Saturday, January 19, 2008


Entry 3-Home-alone(to be marked)
"Are you sure can stay alone at home, dear?" My mother questioned me.

"Sure! What is there to be scared of? Ghosts?" I joked.

My parents were attending a wedding that night, and it was going to be my first night alone at home.

"Well then, we should be back by ten," my mother assured me and with that, both my parents left.

"Hooray! I am home-alone!" I bellowed at the top of my voice.

It was seven fifty-five. My favourite television programme, Phua Chu Kang, was about to start. I raced into the kitchen, grabbed some potato chips, a can of Coca-Cola and dashed back into the living room. I switched on my new Panasonic, forty-two inch LCD television. Phua Chu Kang had already started. I loved Phua Chu Kang because it is an extremely hilarious comedy.

I was simply engrossed in the programme and my eyes were glued to the television set. Just when everything was going well, bad luck struck.

"Zap!" The lights went out, the television abruptly switched off and the fan started moving slower and slower and eventually stopped. There was a power-failure! What horrid timing! It was not over yet. The dark clouds exploded, releasing millions of needles which pelted on my roof-top. It was not only dark but it was also raining cats and dogs.

Suddenly, I heard a distant voice. It seemed to be coming from the house door. I tip-toed quietly towards the door. When I was just a metre away from the door, I managed to decipher what the voice was trying to say.

The draggy voice said, "Prraassiitthh!" Panic gripped me. I was paralysed by fear. I mustered as much courage and strength as possible and then, I sprinted to my room and took my baseball bat. I crept back towards the door. I contemplated whether I should open the door or just do nothing and wait for my parents in fear. Curiosity overcame my fear and I edged closer to the door until I was face to face with the door.
"Zoom!" I swung open the door and swung my baseball bat wildly at the "ghost" as hard as I could. The "ghost" outside ducked and I whacked a pot which broke into smithereens. This was one flexible ghost.

"What are you doing?" the 'ghost' questioned me. The voice sounded extremely familiar. It was my mother! Her voice must have probably been muffled by the sound of the rain. "All this time, I thought my mother had been a ghost. I explained to my mother why I had swung my baseball bat at her. She burst out laughing after I had finished. The reason why my mother had come so suddenly was that she had forgotten to take the wedding gift with her.

At that precise moment, the power came back on. My mother took the wedding gift and asked me if I wanted to follow her. I did not need to be asked twice. I dashed into my room, got changed and attended the wedding with my mother.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008



The sky was clear and bright. I woke up early. It was a brilliant day. My family and I were going to Sentosa that morning. We packed sumptuous food and some cool drinks into a picnic basket after which we headed for Sentosa with much excitement and enthusiasm.

The beach waters of Siloso was sparkling under the shining sun. We had finally reached our destination. Sentosa was brimming with people. I scanned the beach and found an empty area where my mother and aunt set up the picnic. My sister, my two cousin sisters and I raced to the glistening beach waters and started splashing about. After about half an hour, we were drenched from head to toe. After changing into dry pairs of clothing, my family and I headed for the sky-ride and luge.

The sky-ride and luge were a stone's throw away. I dashed to the counter and bought four tickets for the sky-ride and the luge. In case you do not know what a luge is, it is something like a Go-Cart, except it does not make use of engines, but rolls over a long, winding and sloping hill.
"Are you sure you guys do not want to come and join us?" I questioned my mother and aunt. "No, it is okay. You guys go ahead," they replied.

My sister, my cousins and I wore some protective gear and strolled towards the sky-rider. The sky-rider can hold four people at a time. We clambered into the sky-rider and fastened the seat belts. A minute passed and then, suddenly, I realised we were moving up. After a mere two minutes, we were already about thirty metres high. From my position, I had a bird's eye view of Mount Faber, Vivo City and Keppel Harbour. It was spectacular!

Within another few minutes, the sky-rider came to a halt. The sky-ride was over. Next up was the luge! We were told how to operate the luge. Now, it was time to ride the luge at last. "Zoom!" I sped forwards. Wind gushed past me. It was superb! The whole ride down the hill was about two minutes. After all of us had reached ground-level, we joined my mother and aunt and then, we decided to watch a musical which was being played a little far away.

We decided to take a stroll to the place where the musical Songs of the Sea was being held. We enjoyed the light breeze as we walked. After about ten minutes, we arrived at our destination. It was already nightfall by then and many people were crowding around the exotic restaurant which was nearby to have their dinner. There was also a crowd gathering in a line leading to the area where the musical was going to be played. We lined up. Two minutes later, we were allowed to enter the seating gallery. My family and i got brilliant seats. The musical started a few minutes later. It was really nice. There were holographic projectors projecting images of fishes and other aquatic creatures. It looked very realistic. I enjoyed the show thoroughly.

After the show, we had some exotic delicacies at the restaurant nearby. Instead of doing the same things like going to the Underwater World or the Dolphin Lagoon, we had done other interesting things.

Dinner was over. With that, we left for home sweet home! I had a great day out!

Sunday, January 13, 2008



"He gallops behind, strikes the shuttlecock with all his might. What a smash and Prasith wins the point and the championship..." I am pretty skilled at badminton. I am a great badminton player in my school team. I could clearly visualise myself holding the glistening championship trophy in my hands, smirking at the losing player.

"Ring! Ring! Ring!" My irritating alarm clock screamed. All my dreams of being a championship winning badminton player had been a dream. How frustrating and saddening! I promised myself that I would make my dream a reality, by training extremely hard under a coach.

1 year later...

"Coach, can I rest now. I am exhausted. I cannot even move my limbs ..." See that. I've trained so hard now. I can't even walk. I think I can accomplish my dream of being a school player.

"Daddy, would you please send a letter to my CCA teacher, Mr Lee Boon Kee to change my CCA from soccer to badminton," I questioned politely.

"If it means achieving your goal, surely," he replied. "All right!" I yelled, acting like a dog with two tails.

My father sent a letter and he also rung the teacher up. I too did my part. I talked to the teacher in-charge of badminton and both the teachers asked me whether I had any experience in Primary School playing badminton. I replied in the negative as my Primary School did not offer badminton as a CCA, but I had a reason to cover up. I told the teachers proudly, "I am trained by an ex-national player for the last one year." Both teachers expressed surprise. I did not know what they were thinking!

In any case, they told me to attend the trials, which were for the Sec. 1 students. It was Thursday. The day of the long awaited badminton trials. There were two rounds. I made through the first round. The first round was pretty easy. We just had to stroke with the senior players.

It was a piece of cake for me. The second round was shortly later. I was called first. I had to play with a senior player. I was extremely nervous. I tried to be as confident as I could ...

"Bang! Zoom! Wham!" It was over. I had done my best and I knew I played well. The rest of the nervous students completed their turns. Now, it was time for the results. I think that my heart stopped beating at that time.

The teacher in-charge, Mr Johari announced the results. My name was not called. All Mr Johari had to say was that they did not need any Sec 2 students. "If they did not need any Sec. 2 students, why did they ask me to come for the trials in the first place." I was utterly disappointed. I felt shattered. I pinched myself to see if I wasn't dreaming. It was all real. It was done. I was not going to be in badminton. It was a big shock.

I staggered home and revealed the results to my parents. They were, however, not disappointed. They told me not to give up and to persevere and work hard.

I will continue to train under my coach and I will never give in because I know perververence and hard work will help me succeed in getting into the badminton school team.